Contact Us: (248) 347-3871

The most expensive thing you can do to your landscape is nothing. Landscape plants need regular care to assure health and beauty. Numerous insect pests, diseases and malnutrition are all common problems in the local landscape. Without proper regular maintenance, your valuable landscape can quickly become infested, sickly and show signs of stress and even dieback.

Everyone’s landscape is as unique as they are so there is no “one size fits all” program for trees and shrubs.

We will design a custom program based on the types of types of trees and shrubs found on your property and common disease/pest issues associated with those plants.

We offer a number of different treatment options for your landscape trees and shrubs including:

Kills over-wintering insects. Very useful for controlling scale insects and aphids.

Preventative/curative treatments designed to target pest issues that can affect the overall health of your trees and shrubs such as spruce needle cast or apple scab.

Products injected directly into the trunk of trees to treat a number of different pest/disease issues and nutrient deficiencies.

Fertilizer applied directly to the root zone to promote healthy growth. Can be done in the spring or fall.

Protective coating to prevent winter injury to evergreen trees and shrubs.

Common Treatable Issues with Landscape Trees and Shrubs